Email Rick via this form.

Phone him at (814) 867-9935.


Please inquire about:

  • School visits & workshops

  • Booking a live jazz group for your event

  • Commissioning custom music

  • Anything else on your mind

State College, PA

(814) 867-9935

Rick Hirsch is a nationally-known composer, arranger and jazz educator living in State College, PA. Check out his music, book a live jazz band in Central Pennsylvania.




Rick Hirsch

Pocono Git-Down CD released

I am *thrilled* with how this turned out, and am confident that you will totally dig it, too. There are 9 brand-new charts, the 20-piece band is smokin', the recording/production is top-shelf, and the whole vibe is...

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New download-only bonus track album

Rick Hirsch

Click album cover for more info & to download track(s)

Click album cover for more info & to download track(s)

Here are 9 never-before-released studio recordings from a pair of sessions in 2008 (jazz sextet) and 2010 (big band). 

On the three sextet tracks you can hear young lions Billy Test, Aaron Kimmel, and Greg Johnson just as they were on the cusp of breaking through to national recognition. This was a working band so it was tight!

On the six big band tracks you can hear an all-star consort that includes pianist Steve Rudolph, trumpeters Eddie Severn and Barry Long, trombonist Paul Leskowicz, and saxophonists Jonathan Ragonese and Tim Powell.

You can purchase individual tracks or the entire collection in high-quality downloads.



300-strong, oh yeah

Rick Hirsch

For each of the past 15 football seasons I have written at least one arrangement for the Penn State University Blue Band. Some years I'll write two or three arrangements, depending on what shows they program.

Anyhow, I love writing for them. And it's always a thrill to show up at their dress rehearsals to hear this year's arrangement played by humans for the first time (contrasted with playback by the Finale All-Stars on my computer).

Anyhow, I got to write the closer to the first halftime show of this year, a no-holds-barred power-ballad treatment of Journey's Open Arms.

Here's the no-holds-barred part:


Here's the whole arrangement:



Strings everywhere!

Rick Hirsch

One of the 'firsts' for me this year was the opportunity to compose an original piece for string orchestra. This was commissioned by the wonderful educator Matt Shaffer for his orchestras at Park Forest and Mount Nittany middle schools, where he's the strings teacher.

Here's the (most of) the first performance of it by the Mount Nittany group.

Would you like to help us make a CD?

Rick Hirsch

A Little Pocono Git-Down will...

. be a fun album of modern big band jazz.
. feature a 20-piece, hand-picked band.
. be recorded in the world-class Red Rock recording studio, by top-flight engineers.
. present 9 originals and arrangements by yours truly.

Join our Kickstarter campaign today and...

. get backer-only behind-the-scenes access to videos from the recording session, interviews with the musicians, and unreleased bonus tracks from previous studio sessions.
. get the album before it is released.
. choose from a wonderful array of rewards and gifts.
. be a part of our grass-roots arts council!

This is a limited-time campaign — check it out today.

"Hit It" on the air

Rick Hirsch

The Cheverus HS Jazz Combo from Portland, ME recorded my tune Hit It for a local radio commercial.

Not only do they sound great on it — dig the guitar player — but, they dropped the tempo by about 25%, making the pocket much deeper. I'm totally into it.

The video is embedded in FaceBook, but I don't believe you have to be logged in to view it.

Many thanks to these fine musicians—and their ultra-hip teacher, Chris Humphrey!

Metroliner: honorable

Rick Hirsch

My 2015 composition Metroliner just received honorable mention in the 2016 Ithaca College Jazz Ensemble Composition Contest.


About this contest

The winning composition this year is For the Rise of a New Day by Cassio Vianna of Greeley, CO.

The IC Jazz Ensemble will perform the winning and honorable mention pieces in a concert March 8. They will feature guest soloist Tony Kadleck, a NYC-based trumpeter who has performing and recording credentials out the wazoo: Maria Schneider, Buddy Rich, New York Pops, etc...

» Ithaca College's FULL PRESS RELEASE 

Incidentally, my composition Mirage was the winning composition in 2015's contest.


About Metroliner

I wrote Metroliner last spring for Chris Vadala's excellent University of Maryland Jazz Ensemble. It is a musical portrait of a high-speed train in it's hey-day.

If you're interested, here are the score and an audio recording. This bootleg was made on our monthly reading-band gig, so it is not without mistakes. After a few more play-throughs the band is going to sound dyn-o-mite on it.