Email Rick via this form.

Phone him at (814) 867-9935.


Please inquire about:

  • School visits & workshops

  • Booking a live jazz group for your event

  • Commissioning custom music

  • Anything else on your mind

State College, PA

(814) 867-9935

Rick Hirsch is a nationally-known composer, arranger and jazz educator living in State College, PA. Check out his music, book a live jazz band in Central Pennsylvania.

Strings everywhere!


Strings everywhere!

Rick Hirsch

One of the 'firsts' for me this year was the opportunity to compose an original piece for string orchestra. This was commissioned by the wonderful educator Matt Shaffer for his orchestras at Park Forest and Mount Nittany middle schools, where he's the strings teacher.

Here's the (most of) the first performance of it by the Mount Nittany group.