5th Annual Fraser Street Saxophone Camp
video highlights
LEFT Jimmy O’Donnell shows off some serious double-tonguing (fellow teacher Shane McCandless looks on)
CENTER Ian Brannan (white shirt) leads the Middle School group
RIGHT Guest teacher Oliver Fairley has a musical dialog with Markus Polka
LEFT The full group—20 members strong from age 12-17—performs for their families
CENTER expert technician and saxophone historian Jack Eggert visiting before his saxophone petting zoo
RIGHT All 20 students and four teachers smiling for the camera at the end of camp
Monday, June 16 - Friday, June 20, 2025
9am - 12:30pm
» students will provide their own late-morning snacks «
Enrollment is presently capped at 25 campers.
SAY what?
At the Fraser Street Saxophone Camp, you will:
Play in an all-saxophone band for a week (like this one)
Improve your saxophone technique and tone
Get inspired to learn more about music
Learn about reeds, mouthpieces, and other saxophone equipment
Explore interesting saxophone music
Have fun!
who can attend?
All saxophone players entering 7th - 12th grade in fall 2025 are welcome.
Minimum requirement 2 years of saxophone experience and a sincere interest in learning more about playing saxophone.
Do I audition?
Nope! We welcome saxophonists with varying experience and skill levels. Sometimes we will work in a large group with everyone, other times we will break into smaller groups based on skill and experience level.
who’s teaching?
Rick Hirsch, camp director and head teacher
Others TBA
Special guests TBD (previous guests have been Prof. Jason Kush, Prof. David Stambler, Prof. ret. Dan Yoder, master technician Jack Eggert, Tonight Show saxophonist Ian Hendrickson-Smith, Big Ol’ Band lead alto Kate Anderson, Sacramento State University jazz professor Greg Johnson, master saxophone educator Oliver Fairley, emerging saxophone guru Geoff Schneider).
Will we perform?
We will perform for families and friends at noon on the last day of camp in Lederer Park.
No additional fees.
Includes snazzy tee shirt ;-)
reserve your spot now with $100 deposit — balance due May 31
** Need-based scholarships available.
I don’t want any kid missing out on this camp due to tight finances at home.
Please contact me to discuss confidentially.
Saxophone Petting Zoo
Vintage & modern saxophones provided by saxophone technician Jack Eggert
TOP: Central Parklet performance | Penn State Saxophone Professor David Stambler
BOTTOM: retired Penn State Saxophone Professor Dan Yoder | Faculty Saxophone Quartet