Email Rick via this form.

Phone him at (814) 867-9935.


Please inquire about:

  • School visits & workshops

  • Booking a live jazz group for your event

  • Commissioning custom music

  • Anything else on your mind

State College, PA

(814) 867-9935

Rick Hirsch is a nationally-known composer, arranger and jazz educator living in State College, PA. Check out his music, book a live jazz band in Central Pennsylvania.


300-strong, oh yeah

Rick Hirsch

For each of the past 15 football seasons I have written at least one arrangement for the Penn State University Blue Band. Some years I'll write two or three arrangements, depending on what shows they program.

Anyhow, I love writing for them. And it's always a thrill to show up at their dress rehearsals to hear this year's arrangement played by humans for the first time (contrasted with playback by the Finale All-Stars on my computer).

Anyhow, I got to write the closer to the first halftime show of this year, a no-holds-barred power-ballad treatment of Journey's Open Arms.

Here's the no-holds-barred part:


Here's the whole arrangement: